April 28, 2024
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) government has launched, this Friday 26, April 2024, the delivery of the national identity Card to its citizens after thirty (30) years. Much appreciated by the applicants, this operation occurred at the Ministery of Internal Affairs office next to the parliament facilities “Palais du Peuple”.
Handled by the national office in charge of citizens’ identification (ONIP), this process has started with some DRC officials among whom mention can be made of the president of the Constitutional Court Dieudonné Kamuleta who received his ID card on the spot. Apart from the government’s authorities, a sample of national available medias owners were also concerned, as they are reliable citizens and sources of pure information for the rest of the populations. TV and radio channels, online and newspaper medias companies were represented by their CEOs for the circumstance. Present, Dominique Prevoste Mulamba, journalist and Chief Executive Officer of Domiprel Medias Group also received his ID card.
Interviewed by our reporter, many kinsmen have applauded this kickoff, considered as a relevant proof to engage the country on its unification process deeply claimed by the DRC president Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.
After this targeted operation, the government will plan, very soon, a bulk delivery all over the country to enable any Congolese citizen request and get his ID card.
It’s worth mentioning that over thirty (30) years Congolese citizens lived without any official identification card. From 2006 to date, the electoral card was used to prove citizenship. Unfortunately, the national office in charge of citizens’ identification (ONIP) is accused here and there of malicious arrangements with foreign “ unreliable” partners. Considering the security issues with the country invasion by Rwanda and its M23 terrorizing rebellion, observers think that the ONIP database is not safe and might be subject to miscellaneous intrusive cases.
Dominique Prevoste Mulamba, the motivational journalist
Congratulations to the actual government for this act. We thank God for everything.